Flu Programs
The Wellness Company offers flu vaccinations to the community through various programs, to promote and deliver flu vaccinations where you need them. See the list below to find the program best fit for you. These same programs are available in Massachusetts.
Worksite -The Wellness Company offers flu shot clinics to employers with a guaranteed minimum of 35 participants. All work shifts and weekend schedules may be accommodated. Online Registration – We offer online registration for your worksite flu event. This allows us to be more efficient, minimizing employee time away from work and simplifying the coordination efforts with the employer’s representative. With online registration we can keep track of how many employees have signed up and let you know if we may need to extend/decrease your clinic time. You may opt to set up your event with specific appointment times or open registration. Families Invited (optional) – Many employers take the opportunity to include family members in their event. The Wellness Company welcomes any participant 18 years and older at a worksite event. Cost – Employers may elect to pay on behalf of those participants not covered under a participating health plan or they may indicate that employees will “self-pay” at the flu event.
For more information, please contact Kim Balasco at 270-4480 or kbalasco@thewellcomp.com
Community –The Wellness Company offers seasonal flu vaccinations to the public at various locations, such as, senior centers, public libraries, YMCAs and other community organizations. We partner with the Rhode Island Emergency Medical Services of each municipality to offer flu vaccines in their area. Our flu clinics are open to the entire family (ages 3 years and older) to receive their vaccination together. Our online pre-registration system allows for up to 6 family members to register and eliminates the need to fill out individual forms.
Check out our Flu Event Locator to find an event near you.
College/University –The Wellness Company works with Colleges and Universities in Rhode Island to promote and deliver flu vaccination clinics on campus for students and/or faculty and staff. These same programs are available in Massachusetts.
Participating Rhode Island Colleges and Universities include:
- Brown University Faculty & Staff
- Bryant College Students, Faculty & Staff
- Community College of RI Students, Faculty & Staff
- RI School of Design Students, Faculty & Staff
- New England Tech Students, Faculty & Staff
- Rhode Island College Students, Faculty & Staff
- Providence College Students, Faculty & Staff
- University of RI Students, Faculty & Staff
School Located Vaccination (SLV) Clinics – The Wellness Company (TWC) in partnership with Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) https://health.ri.gov/flu/for/schools, and school departments host annual statewide vaccination clinics. Clinics are conveniently offered at Public, Private/Independent, Charter, Catholic and Schools for Children with Disabilities. High school clinics are mostly held during the school day for students, faculty, and staff. Evening clinics are open to all students, family, and community members.
There is no out-of-pocket cost for a vaccination at a school-located clinic. Insurance information is collected but no one is turned away for lack of insurance. Online registration is available in English and Spanish. Pre-registering online guarantees an appointment time, shortens wait time and eliminates the need to fill out the paperwork when you arrive at the clinic. Flu vaccine options include injectable, FluMist and Senior 65 vaccine. COVID-19 vaccine is also available at school clinics. Certain age restrictions apply.
For more information, contact (401) 461-0662.